About Mike Callahan
Addiction, Recovery & Emotional Core/Trauma/Sober Coach

My Story
It has been a long journey; I still have not arrived. However, I have awakened to a way of life. I am enjoying this journey a little more each day. My passion is offering a way of life and teaching my clients how to heal themselves on their journey. It's all about Learning and Unlearning.
We can unlearn Character Traits that no longer serve us. Pick up a kit of emotional tools and put down the kit of emotional weapons that no longer help us. Oddly enough, Inner Child Tribe came to me in a vision during a Hot Yoga class. And continues to manifest itself through inspiration and hard work. I am excited to share this way of life with anyone who reaches out. I also share Twelve Steps in a non-traditional way that fits all. The 12 Steps have played an integral part in my recovery from Alcoholism, Drug addiction, to Co-dependency. Today I live content with Physical and Emotional sobriety most of the time. In short, I teach what I live and live what I teach. Sharing a way of life that brings mindfulness, a sense of peace, and well-being. “ Way of Life? 12 Steps, Meditation, Breathwork, Emotional Core Work, Yoga, Exercise and a Healthy Diet. It is my Hero's journey. It began with self-love.
I am Basically a Spiritual Healer with Many Years of experience in Sober Coaching , Mentoring Teenagers and Men.
More about my experience:
I graduated Mankind Project in 2002 and Facilitated MKP weekends.
I have done weekend facilitation with Boys To Men in San Diego for 15 years.
I facilitate many Mens 12 Step Studies in Alanon, ACA, and CODA.
I founded the Inner Child Tribe to...
12 Stepology inspiration can be found on You-Tube, Blog Talk Radio, Facebook and Instagram.
Credentials: Certified Breath Practitioner : 12 Step Recovery Coach : Inner Child Recovery :
Please understand that I am not a therapist. My intention is to be a mentor and coach to your process. Together, we can overcome the hurdles of trauma, overcome the stigma's of toxic masculinity and welcome a new way of being in the world. I have access to therapists that I can refer you to if this is something that would be helpful in your process.